PBA Publishing in Gabon: The Christian Book Day

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Article By Africa Speaks

The Presses Bibliques Africaines (PBA) of Benin and the University Bible Groups (GBU) of Gabon organized the Christian Book Day on April 15 in Libreville. The highlights of this day dedicated specifically to the Christian book were the conference on the theme “The power of the book on the edification of the human being against the power of sound and image”, followed by a great exhibition and sale of books of the PBA Editions at reduced prices.


The book and the pressure of sound and image

In order to better present the stakes of this theme, the speaker Georges Laté, head of PBA Publishing, began by stating that in most of the countries he visited in West and Central Africa, images and sound are taking precedence over reading in general, both the printed and digital versions.

PBA Publishing whose vision is to transform the French-speaking readership through Christian literature produced by Africans, is following the model set by God Himself who instituted publishing by writing on the stone tablets He entrusted to Moses with instructions to distribute them to the people (Exodus 31:18).

The speaker emphasized the mobile nature of the book, which, unlike humans, can cross borders without a visa. A single book can be read and reread by the same reader, and also passed from hand to hand to reach a greater number, and even across generations. Similarly, the written word has been used throughout the ages to convey ideas. Thus, great revolutions in human societies have been underpinned by written texts. Even hymns, poems, plays are based on written texts. The book is therefore a powerful tool that could eventually provoke spiritual awakenings. At the end of his presentation, Pastor Georges Laté urged the pastors to write and keep their sermons and then entrust them to a publisher to make a book, because each book is a missionary without borders.


The Christian Book Day

Presentation of new books

The Christian Book Day in Gabon was also an opportunity for participants to discover newly published books from PBA Publishing. Among them were:

  • Terre promise! Terre de servitude! (Promised land! Land of servitude!) by Eric Makon;
  • Vaincre la masturbation (Overcoming masturbation) by Séraphin DAVI and Géneviève GUÉI;
  • Osez l’impossible, réalisez des exploits (Dare to do the impossible, achieve greatness) by Alim GARGA;
  • C’est encore possible (It is still possible) by Rev. Pascal SAMBIENI;
  • Josué, comment développer une âme conquérante (Joshua, how to develop a conquering mind) by Pastor Paul ABESSOLO from Gabon, the host of the event, and president of GBU Gabon.


Finally, Rev. Paul ABESSOLO urged the members of the GBU to promote reading, first by the reading of the Bible through Bible study, and then the authors who write inspired by the Scriptures.

This special Christian Book Day program continued in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on Sunday, April 23, 2023 with the dedication of the books: Terre promise! Terre de servitude! by Eric Makon; and Vaincre la masturbation written by Séraphin DAVI from Benin and Géneviève GUÉI from Ivory Coast.



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